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Advertise on our site

Most web-sites these days are full of flashy banners and logos. We understand that these may put off some members so we try our best not to allow any that would undermine the quality and essence of this site.

We strongly believe in the internet being and remaining a free medium to source and exchange information. But creating and maintaining a site such as this takes time and effort, so we have to be realistic. This is a free website and in order to operate it to a high standard, we need to cover our costs. On our main pages we therefore do allow some carefully chosen sponsored hyperlinks and ads that we believe are of potential benefit to our members.

Any businesses, services or events that are directly or indirectly related to the Chemical Industry may be advertised on the useful sites and news & events pages. We do ask in return that you also put a hyperlink on your web-site to If you wish us to put a link to your site please contact us.

For further details about putting a link, banner or ad on Chemtogether please contact us

 © Chemtogether in association with iDMA