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Joining the Chemtogether Community

There are many Chemical Industry & Chemistry related web sites, directories and search engines on the Internet. Those sites however focus on companies, suppliers, products or general information. The Chemtogether site is primarily about people. Although, as the site grows, you will be able to find Chemical Companies, businesses and Associations, the main aim of Chemtogether is better to connect people across the industry, across sectors, across the world - in real time, in a dynamic and democratic way. Online networking provides better and faster communication between colleagues in the world of chemistry.

As a registered member you'll have full access to the following facilities:

  • Search: you can search on any combination of the available fields to find other people in the Chemical Industry. The available fields are generally those that you completed about yourself. The result of your search will be displayed in a simple yet dynamic tabular format that allows you to focus in on individual records of interest.
  • Forum: you can exchange your views on Chemical Industry topics, events and news; seek or offer help, advice and tips; or just read ongoing discussions. You can also send and receive private messages with other members or email them through the board if they have allowed this option in their profile. In the Jobs Forum you can seek or offer employment, project-based jobs and vacancies. In the Academic Forum students can ask Chemistry related questions, discuss chemical experiments, projects and research with others across the industry and across the world.
  • Notice Board - Weblog: you can put up short messages to offer, find or share sub-contractors, suppliers or jobs - or sell, buy or hire materials, equipments, services etc. Or just share your thoughts, questions and ideas with others. This facility is informal and open to all visitors.
  • We may add further services that members request - so please let us know what you think would benefit the chemical community. In order to use the facilities above you must become a member.


  • Membership is free of charge but terms & conditions apply
  • You may cancel your membership at any time if you so wish
  • If you are concerned about privacy issues please read our privacy policy
  • Joining us

  • First you need to fill in and submit the registration form. This is an easy process and only a few details about yourself are actually required
  • If you don't want to give more than the required details when you register, you can easily add them later should you wish
  • There are three main parts of the registration form - personal, work and education - you fill in as much as you want
  • The fields you fill in are the fields you can search on - so the more information you provide about yourself, the more you can see about other people
  • Your personal user ID and password will then be emailed to you and you're ready to go
  • Your personal information will not be given to third parties - please read our strict privacy policy
  • read more about registering>>>
     © Chemtogether in association with iDMA